Next weekend – January 20th and 21st  – women’s marches are planned across the US to mark the anniversary of Trump’s inauguration and the women’s marches that were held the following day, which drew enormous crowds both here and around the world. At this time last year there was a sense of foreboding about the incoming administration, but no one knew just how bad it would be. So, if it was important to join the marches last year, it is much more important to do so now.

The elections in November this year will determine the future of American democracy. It is vital to keep the momentum that was first generated by the 2017 marches, going, because, if Democrats can win control of both the House and the Senate this year, they will be able to curb the autocratic tendencies of the Trump administration, which have been enabled by the cynical support of the Republicans who currently control both houses. These Republican legislators are willing to put party over country – and support the terrible things Trump does on a daily basis – in order to pass their right wing agenda, knowing that he will sign anything they put on his desk.

Based on recent election results, events and polling data, women may well control the result of the next election. In fact, being a woman could even become an election advantage. So, whether you are a woman or a man, by supporting the upcoming marches you will be maximizing the chances of Democratic victories in 2018.and 2020.

In spite of Hillary Clinton’s tragic loss in 2016, in which misogyny undoubtedly played a role, don’t write off the possibility of a woman becoming president in 2020. Take a good look at the amazing women pictured above – Oprah Winfrey, Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand and California Senator Kamala Harris. They are all women of great accomplishment – and are all at least as well qualified as any of the male presidential candidates currently on the horizon.

So let me urge you again, to join one of the marches next weekend. Click on the following link to find out how, where and when to do so in your area:

A recent election in Virginia ended up in a tie and had to be settled by drawing a name out of a bowl. (Unfortunately the Republican won). So every vote really does count – and if, by participating, you get just one person to vote this year,it will be well worthwhile.


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