Dem Hoax Re Kavanaugh Exposed


The woman you saw testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee was not actually Christine Blasey Ford. She was actually Meryl Streep. As you can see from the above photos, the two look almost identical.

The senate hearing was the culmination of a plot that started in 2012, when Christine Blasey Ford told her husband-to-be, as well as a group of rich, evil democrats (REDs)  that she had been sexually assaulted by someone who looked similar to a right-wing federal appeals court judge, who might someday be nominated to the Supreme Court,

The REDs realized that, in order to prevent this judge from becoming a justice, they would need a great actress to play the part, because Professor Ford would not be capable of taking the stand herself and convincing the group of angry old men, who would comprise the republican majority on the Senate Judiciary Committee, that the story of her attempted rape by this Kavanaugh look-alike was truly done by Kavanaugh himself. This led the REDs to spend a large sum of dark money to retain Meryl Streep and prepare her for the job, which she performed perfectly last week.

Of course, all the above is nonsense.

However, you would have to believe something similar to it to buy into Trump’s statements today – at Justice Kavanaugh’s swearing-in and elsewhere  – that the charges of sexual assault against him were a hoax perpetrated by evil Democrats, plus the claims that they also poured huge amounts of dark money into their attempts to defeat him.

Trump’s switch, from calling Christine Blasey Ford a fine woman who was very credible, to accusing her and the Democrats of evilly fabricating the whole thing, is consistent with his pattern, not only of lying, but also of changing the lies to suit each occasion. He gets away with it because his rhetoric is so hypnotic to his base that they just don’t care – and he doesn’t even try to hide it. Here is what he said in a speech to the Veterans of Foreign Wars in Kansas City on July 27th this year:“Don’t believe the crap you see from these people, the fake news. What you are seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening.”

Unfortunately what we are seeing and what we’re reading is what’s happening. Trump  has a right-wing court, a right wing house and a right-wing senate, each of which will now  do his bidding.  Unless he is curbed American democracy will inevitably be diminished or even destroyed.

The last best hope is for Democrats to get control of the House – and even the Senate (much less likely). So the election on November 6th is vital. If you have not yet registered to vote, do so now, If your state has early voting, do it as soon as possible, If your friends and relatives don’t plan to vote change their minds. But PLEASE VOTE. This is not being called the most important election in American history for nothing.

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