While the news has been buzzing about the apparent brutal torture, murder and dismemberment of Washington Post reporter Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi Arabian embassy in Istanbul, where he went to obtain permission to marry his Turkish fiancée, here are some things that have not been reported.

Jamal Khashoggi was not just another Washington Post reporter, he was a member of an extremely wealthy and prominent Saudi family with close ties to the Saudi royal family.

His uncle, Adnan Khashoggi, a flamboyant arms dealer, was once considered to be the wealthiest man in the world. It was also sometimes speculated that he was actually a front man for the Saudi royal family.

Jamal’s grandfather, Mohammad Khashoggi, was the personal doctor to King Abdulaziz Al Saud, the founder of Saudi Arabia.

His mother (or Aunt)  Samira Khashoggi, was the mother of Dodi Fayed, who was Princess Diana’s boyfriend and also died in the car with her when she was killed. It’s a small world at the top!

When he ran into financial trouble, Adnan Khashoggi  sold his yacht – the Nabila – to the Sultan of Brunai, who sold it to Donald Trump in 1988 for $29 million. After refitting it and renaming  it “Trump Princess” Trump sold it three years later for $20 million. This speaks more about Trump’s business ineptitude and ego than the Saudi relationship

However, I have been wondering why  the media has failed to report any of this publicly available information. Could it be a judgement that none of it is relevant? Could it be media myopia? Or is there more to the story that has not yet been revealed?

One thought on “WHO IS (WAS?) JAMAL KHASHOGGI?

  1. Ever since this happened, I’ve found several aspects of it rather puzzling. First of all, why did MBS think he was such a threat that he had him eliminated. Surely, there’s more there than his merely being a reporter who was critical of the regime. Secondly, why did they do it the way they did, which sure to be exposed. They could have done what Mossad routinely does, kill him quietly in some nondescript place in q way that would draw little attention. It seems they must have wanted it to be known that he was assassinated, and by whom, perhaps as a message to others. Finally, if thee Turks have so much information about what happened to him, why have they not released it, and why did they release that American at just this time? You’re right. Gerry, there’s a lot more to this story than meets the eye.


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