In my last GerryMeandering, five days ago, I warned that we should not forget the Putin connection with both Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell. Almost as if on cue, two things then happened that could be coincidental, but also could be something much more ominous.

First, shortly after the electoral college votes had been certified by each state, Vladimir Putin acknowledged that Joe Biden was now the president–elect of the US. Only after this did Mitch McConnell appear on the Senate floor stating the same thing. Quite unusual for our major adversary to recognize this before the leader of the US Senate, don’t you think?

Second, at around the same time it was revealed that many major US government departments, as well as a lot of the leading and most strategically important US corporations, had been hacked by Russian intelligence, who have since been free to roam around their sensitive internal documents and correspondence for several months. By some reports, this may be the worst ever incursion of foreign intelligence into the US infrastructure. But, in spite of this, Trump has yet to utter a single word in public about this intrusion – continuing his four year long record of never saying anything critical about Vladimir Putin and his denial of any Russian election help, in spite of all the evidence to the contrary.

Are these two incidents further proof of some sinister tie between Trump and Putin, with McConnell also involved? Or are they just more amazing coincidences? Only time will tell.  


  1. not sure on the mitch-putin timing… another important element was the electoral voters cast accordingly just the day before. mitch and other senators said they were waiting for that vote and would act accordingly. on Trump’s silence, it boggles my mind how traditional conservatives see to now be in the honey jar of the Russians, that they keel over to defend Trump’s approach toward Russia and his many silences over the past 4 years, with this one being just the latest and possibly the most frightening it’s also quite disturbing among his many unpardonable pardons that he gave a wink to Manafort who cost taxpayers of this country in the many millions.. anyway, Jan 20 can’t come soon enough. happy holidays and wishing everyone a blessed and joyous holiday season – mitch


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